factoring out verbs in J

Table of Contents

1 bottom up programming

Often it's convenient to construct a J program from the 'bottom up', starting with an input value and applying transformations one at a time, interactively in the REPL.

For example, if we wanted to construct a function to calculate the calculate the sum of the first y square numbers, our session might look like this:

   i.10                        NB. first 10 non-negative integers
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
   >: i.10                     NB. first 10 positive integers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
   *: >: i.10                  NB. first 10 square numbers.
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
   +/ *: >: i.10               NB. sum of first 10 squares.
   +/ *: >: i. y=.10           NB. explicit named paremeter
   (3 : '+/ *: >: i. y') 10    NB. explicit definition.
   (3 : '+/ *: >: i. y')       NB. discard the parameter.
3 : '+/ *: >: i. y'
   (13 : '+/ *: >: i. y')      NB. (optionally) convert to tacit form.
[: +/ [: *: [: >: i.
   sumsq=:13 :'+/ *: >: i. y'  NB. give it a name.
   sumsq 10                    NB. double check that it worked.

Surrounding a phrase with (3 : '...') is a simple way to extract a new verb. Of course, if the verb in question contains a string, its quote characters will have to be doubled:

   'a,b,c'             NB. a string of comma separated values
   ',', 'a,b,c'        NB. append to leading comma

   <;._1',', 'a,b,c'   NB. cut and box on comma characters.
                       NB. quoting here gets a bit messy:
   (3 : '<;._1 '','' , y') 'a,b,c'

In this particular case, it's cleaner to surround the target phrase with ([: ... ]) :

   ([: <;._1 ',' , ]) 'a,b,c'

Note, however, that [: and ] are not magical tacit function delimeters. They are just normal verbs, that to form the train we want in this particular case. Applying them blindly often leads to disaster:

   +/ *: >: i. 10           NB. sum of first y squares (derived above)
   ([: +/ *: >: i. ]) 10    NB. here, ([: ... ]) changes the meaning.
|domain error
|       ([:+/*:>:i.])10

In this article we'll explore tools for factoring out verbs in a number of different situations.

2 leftmost nouns

Suppose we want to construct the first y odd numbers:

            i. y =. 5       NB. take the first y cardinals.
0 1 2 3 4
        2 * i. y =. 5       NB. double them
0 2 4 6 8
    1 + 2 * i. y =. 5       NB. and add one.
1 3 5 7 9

This can be written more concisely as:

      >: +: i. y =. 5   NB. one more than double first y cardinals
1 3 5 7 9

We can ask J to convert this to tacit form for us:

     13 : '>: +: i. y'    NB. explicit to tacit conversion.
[: >: [: +: i.
     ([: >: [: +: i.) 5   NB. usage requires parens.
  1 3 5 7 9

Alternatively, we can insert the @: conjunction between each item of our shortened form:

   >: +: i. 5              NB. shown above.
1 3 5 7 9
   >: (+: @: i.) 5         NB. @: ('at') is function composition
1 3 5 7 9
   (>: @: +: @: i.) 5      NB. @: applied again.
1 3 5 7 9
   (>:@:+:@:i.) 5          NB. The spaces can be removed.
1 3 5 7 9

The phrase (f @: g) y serves more or less the same purpose as ([: f g) y, but it doesn't require parentheses. It has a small advantage when extracting a function from a phrase because the transformation can be made by introducing only one new symbol at a time:

   >: +: i. 5              NB. shown above.
1 3 5 7 9
   >: +: @: i. 5           NB. @: works even without parens
1 3 5 7 9
   >: @: +: @: i. 5        NB. @: applied again.
1 3 5 7 9
   >:@:+:@:i. 5            NB. (Optionally) remove spaces.
1 3 5 7 9
   (>:@:+:@:i.) 5          NB. Extract the function.
1 3 5 7 9

However, what happens if we simply ask J to translate our original, longer sentence?

   1 + 2 * i. y=. 5
1 3 5 7 9
   13 : '1 + 2 * i. y'       NB. explicit to tacit
  1 + 2 * i.
    (1 + 2 * i.) 5           NB. shortened form.
  1 3 5 7 9

To me, this seems much clearer than either of the previous tacit forms.

It works because of the following equivalences when x and y are nouns:

(x f g) y  <-->   x f (g y)

We can derive this tacit form ourselves by applying this rule twice to our original sentence.

   1 + 2 * i. y=. 5
1 3 5 7 9
   1 + 2 * (i. y)       NB. because j executes right to left
1 3 5 7 9
   1 + (2 * i.) y       NB. apply rule where (k=2 f=* g =i.)
1 3 5 7 9
   (1 + (2 * i.)) y     NB. and again where (k=1 f=+ g=(2 * i.))
1 3 5 7 9
   (1 + 2 * i.) y       NB. the inner parens can be removed.
1 3 5 7 9

To summarize, whenever you want to extract a verb from an alternating sequence of nouns and verbs that starting with a noun and ending with a double verb, you can simply surround the whole thing with parentheses.

n0 v0 n1 v1 .. ni vi v(i+1) y <--> (n0 v0 n1 v1 .. ni vi v(i+1)) y

3 extracting a noun-verb trains without a final extra verb.

If the phrase follows this pattern but doesn't end with two verbs, you can simply add ] to the end of the sequence:

For example:

     2 * 1 + y =. 5        NB. follows the pattern, but no trailing verb.
     2 * 1 + y =. 5        NB. adding parens here will not work.
|syntax error
|   (2   *1+)y=.5
     2 * 1 + ] y =. 5      NB. but if we insert a placeholder verb...
     (2 * 1 + ]) y =. 5    NB. then we can extract the train easily.

There are many simple identities between the verbs in J, so you often have the choice of expressing the same idea in multiple ways.

>: y <--> (1 +  y)               one more
<: y <--> (1 +  y)               one less
+: y <--> (2 *  y)               double
-: y <--> (2 %~ y)               half
*: y <--> (2 ^~ y) <--> *~ y     square
%: y <--> (2 ^. y)               square root

If the final noun and verb together hav a shorter representation, then you can simply replace it with the shorter form:

     2 * 1 + y =. 5        NB. Need one more verb... or one /less/.
     2 * >: y =. 5         NB. >: y <--> (1 +  y)
   (2 * >:) y =. 5         NB. Now it can be cleanly parenthesized.

If the final noun-verb combination doesn't have a simple form, you can bond the noun to the verb using the & adverb.

   2 * 3 + y =. 5         NB. No builtin for 3 + y
   2 * 3 & + y            NB. '&' bonds the '3' to the '+'
   (2 * 3 & +) y          NB. Now the phrase can be extracted.

4 extending the chain on the left.

What if we need to do further processing to the left?

For example, what if we want a function that finds the first y odd numbers, but returns them in reversed order?

   (1 + 2 * i.) y       NB. our solution so far...
1 3 5 7 9
   |. (1 + 2 * i.) y    NB. but reversed.
9 7 5 3 1
   (|. 1 + 2 * i.) y    NB. not what we want. :/
1 3 5 7 9
   ((|. 1) + 2 * i.) y  NB. (it applied the |. to the first noun.)
1 3 5 7 9

Fortunately, this is also an easy fix. We can extend the parentheses to the left by first prepending a cap ([:).

   ([: |. 1 + 2 * i.) y
9 7 5 3 1