b+ trees
Table of Contents
1 Intro to B+ Trees
1.1 TODO what is a b+ tree?
1.2 TODO what problem does a b+ tree overcome?
2 Object Model and Public Interface
2.1 unit bp
{ B+ Trees for pascal } {$DEFINE DELPHIMODE} {$i xpc.inc} {$H+} unit bp; interface uses xpc, sysutils; const empty = maxint; type TKey = integer; TVal = TObject; IBPlus = interface <<IBPlusMethods>> end; TTree = class; // forward reference for TIter <<TNode>> <<TIter>> <<TTree>>
2.2 Public IBPlus
procedure put( key : TKey; val : TVal ); //procedure del( key : TKey ); //function get( key : TKey ): TVal; //function has( key : Tkey ): boolean;
2.3 type TNode
TNode = class ( TInterfacedObject, IBPlus ) public constructor CreateLeaf( size : integer ); constructor CreateInner( size : integer ); <<IBPlusMethods>> function tostring: string; override; private isleaf : boolean; _parent : TNode; _next : TNode; keys : array of TKey; vals : array of TObject; function locate( key : TKey ): TNode; function inskey( key : TKey ): cardinal; function full : boolean; procedure split; procedure rebalance; function firstkey : TKey; function isroot : boolean; procedure addchild( key : TKey; kid : TNode ); function next : TNode; function findslot( key : TKey ): word; function findroot : TNode; function isinner : boolean; end;
2.4 type TTree
TTree = class public constructor Create( branchfactor : integer = 64 ); <<IBPlusMethods>> function GetEnumerator: TIter; function tostring: string; override; private root : TNode; end;
2.5 type TIter
TIter = class private tree : TTree; // only useful to support Reset node : TNode; step : integer; // index/offset within the node public constructor Create( aTree : TTree ); function GetCurrent : TVal; function MoveNext : Boolean; procedure Reset; property Current:TVal read GetCurrent; end;
3 Implementation (roughly following wikipedia: B+ Trees)
3.1 TODO [6/8]
Node class
3.1.1 DONE constructor
constructor TNode.CreateLeaf( size : integer ); var i : integer; begin isleaf := true; _next := nil; _parent := nil; SetLength( keys, size + 1 ); SetLength( vals, size + 1 ); // extra link for i := 0 to size do begin keys[i] := empty; vals[i] := nil; end; end; constructor TNode.CreateInner( size : integer ); begin self.CreateLeaf(size); self.isleaf := false; end;
3.1.2 DONE [1/1]
- DONE TNode.locate
{ Find first child key less the new key. It is important that both =locate= and =inskey= use the same algorithm for locating the key, or the linked list at the bottom of the tree will break. Further, we will make sure that we walk left to right (lowest key to highest) because in inner nodes, the links always point to the first child. Example: tree: [ 5:[ 5 _ _ _ ] 8:[ 8 12 _ _ ] 50:[ 50 _ _ _ ] _ ] goal: find slot for 24 Here, 24 is both "after 8" or "before 50". It's important to check both numbers, and then choose the /leftmost/ side of the range. (If we had chosen to use the highest value for the child keys instead of the lowest, then of course we would choose the rightmost child.) } function TNode.FindSlot( key : TKey ) : word; begin result := 0; if key >= keys[ 0 ] then repeat inc(result) until (result = high(keys)) or (key < keys[ result ]) end; { This search routine always succeeds, since it finds the location where the key /should/ be in the tree, whether it's /actually/ there or not. } function TNode.locate( key : TKey ) : TNode; var slot : integer; begin if isleaf then result := self else begin slot := findslot(key); if slot > 0 then dec( slot ); // keys[slot] = empty then dec( slot ); result := (vals[slot] as TNode).locate( key ); end end;
3.1.3 DONE [9/9]
- DONE TNode.put
procedure TNode.put( key : TKey; val : TVal ); begin if isleaf then begin vals[inskey( key )] := val; rebalance; end else locate( key ).put( key, val ) end;
- DONE TNode.inskey
{ insert key } function TNode.inskey( key : TKey ) : cardinal; var i, slot : integer; begin slot := findslot( key ); // if first value is about to change, update the parent key: if (slot = 0) and not isroot then begin i := 0; while _parent.keys[i] <> keys[0] do inc(i); _parent.keys[i] := key; end; for i := high(keys) downto slot+1 do begin vals[i] := vals[i-1]; keys[i] := keys[i-1]; end; { finally, fill the hole we just made, and return its location } keys[ slot ] := key; vals[ slot ] := nil; result := slot end;
- DONE TNode.rebalance
procedure TNode.rebalance; begin if full then split end;
- DONE TNode.full
function TNode.full : boolean; begin result := keys[high(keys)] <> empty; end;
- DONE TNode.split
procedure TNode.split; var newnode: TNode; <<copyhalf>> begin if isleaf then begin newnode := TNode.CreateLeaf( length(keys )); newnode._next := _next; _next := newnode; end else newnode := TNode.CreateInner( length(keys )); copyhalf; if isroot then begin _parent := TNode.CreateInner( length( keys )); _parent.addchild( self.firstkey, self ) end; _parent.addchild( newnode.firstkey, newnode ) end;
procedure copyhalf; var i, half : integer; begin half := length(keys) div 2; for i := half to high(keys) do begin newnode.keys[i-half] := keys[i]; newnode.vals[i-half] := vals[i]; if (newnode.isinner) and (vals[i] <> nil) then (vals[i] as TNode)._parent := newnode; keys[i] := empty; vals[i] := nil; end; end;
- DONE TNode.isroot
function TNode.isroot : boolean; begin result := not assigned(_parent); end;
- DONE TNode.isinner
function TNode.isinner : boolean; begin result := not isleaf end;
- DONE firstkey
function TNode.firstkey : TKey; begin result := keys[0] end;
- DONE addchild
procedure TNode.addchild( key : TKey; kid : TNode ); begin assert( not isleaf ); vals[inskey( key )] := kid; kid._parent := self; rebalance; end;
3.1.4 DONE iteration
function TNode.next : TNode; begin result := _next; end;
3.1.5 DONE finding the new root of the tree
function TNode.findroot : TNode; begin if isroot then result := self else result := _parent.findroot end;
3.1.6 DONE debugging with .tostring
function TTree.tostring: string; begin result := self.root.tostring; end; var gIndent : string = ''; function TNode.ToString : string; var s : string; i : integer; begin s := ''; // draw the keys if isleaf then s += '[' else s += '{'; for i := low(keys) to high(keys) do if (i = 0) and (keys[i] = empty) then s := s + ' < ' else if (self.keys[i] = empty) then s := s + ' - ' else s := s + ' ' + IntToStr(self.keys[ i ]) + ' '; if isleaf and assigned(_next) then s := s + ' -> ' + IntToStr(_next.firstkey); if isleaf then s += ' ]' else s += ' }'; // draw the values gIndent += ' '; for i := low(keys) to high(keys) do if assigned(self.vals[ i ]) then s := s + lineending + gIndent + self.vals[ i ].ToString; setlength(gIndent, length(gIndent)-2); result := s; end;
3.1.7 TODO deletion
procedure TNode.del( key : TKey ); begin end;
3.1.8 TODO bulk-loading
constructor TNode.bulk( pairs : TKeyValPair ); begin end;
3.2 TODO [0/1]
The container class (TTree)
3.2.1 TODO [0/0]
constructor TTree.Create( branchfactor : integer = 64 ); begin root := TNode.CreateLeaf( branchfactor ); end;
3.2.2 put
procedure TTree.put( key : TKey; val : TVal ); begin root.put( key, val ); // find the new root root := root.findroot; // "for the home team" end;
3.2.3 enumerator
function TTree.GetEnumerator : TIter; begin result := TIter.Create( self ) end;
3.3 TODO [4/4]
TIter : iterator for the Tree class
3.3.1 TEXT Walking a B+-Tree
The leaf nodes of a B+Tree are linked together to form a chain, making it easy to iterate over the links in sequential order.
3.3.2 DONE constructor
constructor TIter.Create( aTree : TTree ); begin self.tree := aTree; self.Reset; end;
3.3.3 DONE reset
procedure TIter.Reset; begin // this should walk down to the first (leftmost) leaf node node := self.tree.root.locate(-maxint); step := -1; end;
3.3.4 DONE getcurrent
function TIter.GetCurrent : TObject; begin result := node.vals[step]; end;
3.3.5 DONE movenext
function TIter.MoveNext : Boolean; begin result := false; if assigned(node) then begin inc(step); if (step > high(node.keys)) or (node.keys[step] = empty) then begin node := node.next; step := 0; end; result := assigned(node); end end;
3.4 OUTPUT: bp.pas
{ NOTE : this file is generated from ../ref/bplus.org , so... --->> DON'T EDIT THIS FILE! <<--- } <<interface>> implementation <<imp>> end.
4 Usage: An Indexed Triple Store
4.1 declarations
{$i xpc.inc} program bpdemo; uses bp, strutils, sysutils; const kMax = 255; // 65535; { change if you want to test speed } type TTriple = class sub, rel, obj : integer; constructor Create( SubId, RelId, ObjId : integer ); procedure Print; function tostring: string; override; // function reversed : IEnumerator; end; constructor TTriple.Create( SubId, RelId, ObjId : integer ); begin sub := subid; rel := relid; obj := objid; end; var building : boolean = true; function TTriple.ToString : string; begin result := '(' + PadLeft(IntToStr( sub ), 4) + ', ' + PadLeft(IntToStr( rel ), 4) + ', ' + PadLeft(IntToStr( obj ), 4) + ')'; end; procedure TTriple.print; begin writeln( self.tostring ) end; <<main>> end.
4.2.1 populate
var subs, rels, objs : bp.TTree; trip : TObject; i, j, k, tmp : cardinal; nums : array [0..2, 0..kMax] of word; begin randomize; { create three indices for a triplestore } subs := bp.TTree.create(16); // just to make the trace interesting rels := bp.TTree.create; objs := bp.TTree.create; { generate the numbers 0..kMax in three columns } for j := 0 to 2 do for i := 0 to kMax do nums[j][i] := i; { shuffle the columns independently } for j := 0 to 2 do for i := 0 to kMax * 4 do begin k := random(kMax); tmp := nums[j][k]; nums[j][k] := nums[j][k+1]; nums[j][k+1] := tmp; end; { initial index: } writeln('initial index:'); writeln(subs.tostring); { generate and index the random triples } for i := 0 to kMax do begin trip := TTriple.create(nums[0][i], nums[1][i], nums[2][i]); with TTriple(trip) do begin { for debugging, show one of the indices being built step by step } writeln; writeln('adding key:', sub:2 ); //, '-> ', rel:2, ', ', obj:2 ); subs.put( sub, trip ); rels.put( rel, trip ); objs.put( obj, trip ); writeln(subs.tostring); end; end;
4.2.2 print forward
building := false; { print them in order by each index } writeln('--subs--'); for trip in subs do TTriple(trip).print; writeln('--rels--'); for trip in rels do TTriple(trip).print; writeln('--objs--'); for trip in objs do TTriple(trip).print;
4.2.3 TODO print backward
{ and reversed } writeln('--subs desc--'); for trip in subs.reversed do TTriple(trip).print; writeln('--objs desc--'); for trip in objs.reversed do Triple(trip).print; writeln('--rels desc--'); for trip in rels.reversed do TTriple(trip).print;